Recipes from Alternative Meats
Four Legged Friends

Wild Boar

Try some of these recipes for Wild Boar Loin Steaks and if you want something different for a roast or dinner party, the Stuffed Tenderloin is melt in the mouth stuff!

Cutlets of Wild Boar and Fresh Herbs

Wild Boar >>

Ingredients - Serves 4:

4 Wild Boar Cutlets or Steaks
Wine Vinegar
Single Cream or Yoghurt
Olive Oil
Lovage, Mint, Chives and Parsley


Pack steaks or cutlets into a dish and sprinkle with wine vinegar and olive oil so that they are barely covered.

Add some lovage leaves, a sprig of mint, some chopped chives and parsley.

Leave to marinade for at least an hour, turning occasionally.

Drain the meat and reserve the marinade.

Melting some butter in a large pan, sear the cutlets or steaks on both sides before reducing the heat and cooking them through. When they are cooked remove them to a warm dish.

Pour the marinade into the pan, with all the herbs, and gently cook for a minute to absorb all the pan juices.

At the last minute, check seasoning and stir in the yoghourt or cream. Serve the cutlets out and pour the sauce over, perhaps garnishing with a sprinkling of fresh herbs.


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