Recipes from Alternative Meats
Four Legged Friends

Bulletin Board

What do our Customers think of our products and service?

We love to hear from you and welcome any comments and suggestions you can make about our products, quality and service. Since the website first opened in September 2002, we have had some very favourable letters and emails from satisfied customers .... as you can see below.

Tender and Tasty

What do our Customers think of our products and service?
Bulletin Board >> What do our Customers think of our products and service?

Natalie Pizzardi from Windsor purchased some diced Ostrich Meat from the website and this is what she had to say about it!

Hi, Just to let you know that we made an ostrich stew on Saturday and it was delicious.

The meat is really tender and tasty.

I am sure that i will be ordering more soon.



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